“ILO estimates are that as many as 25 million people could become unemployed, with a loss of workers’ income of as much as USD 3.4 trillion. However, it is already becoming clear that these numbers may underestimate the magnitude of the impact.”(1)
As the issue of getting laid-off because of the Covid-19 pandemic has become more prominent, getting a new job is tricky, as it could mean changing industry, like doing product design for travel-related service into doing product design for a logistic service; or even shifting your career path altogether, like from doing UX design into service design. While shifting industry usually means adapting your skillset towards a new kind of challenge, the later means there will be a gap to facilitate: the more drastic the change is, the wider the gap is. How to bridge it?
For those finding themselves with no options, what should you do? Maybe you just simply need to look for similarity in a different place, realign your career path, or invent a new opportunity for yourself. How would you accomplish that?
Based on those running questions, I did some mappings about the possible options which combine between self and situation assessment, with branches that consisting of jumping back in, start your own business, or upskilling and education. The nodes incorporated could be a starting point in crafting a more detailed plan, tailored to each one of you.
The next step would be to gather the resources available to support these possibilities, and I have started that earlier in another post, feel free to suggest other resources you’re aware of.
About the mind map itself, do you discover other options or branches? Let me know what do you think in the comment section. (byms)
(1) COVID-19 has exposed the fragility of our economies – http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_739961/lang–en/index.htm