Ever since the #Covid19 pandemic strikes and rapidly affecting the economy, we’ve seen massive amounts of laid-off around the world. People are suddenly out of jobs, which according to the statistics, sets the new level of unemployment.
Thankfully, we’ve also seen amazing efforts from people trying to help with the situation, either in connecting the out of job workers with companies that are still hiring, or facilitating other options like freelancing, entrepreneurship, upskilling, or simply to help ease the traumatic experience.
Looking for a similar job
For those looking for a similar job, the immediate need usually lies in facilitating the job application process, such as ensuring that their CV and portfolio are impactful, and the availability of references from the past workplace. For those going through interviews, help will be much appreciated on tips to improve the candidate’s ability to present themselves, and in rehearsing.
Looking for a different kind of opportunities
Last but not least, as every crisis hold tremendous chances for new opportunities to emerge, therefore mapping and forecasting will help identifying what would be the emerging needs of the “new normals”.
Should anyone is considering to realign their career aspirations, or start their own business, then the availability of related training and how to get funding will help in facilitating the transformation.
Listed below are the resources discovered through the good people in LinkedIn, and various other resources. Kindly reply in the comment should you aware of related resources, your contribution means a lot.
Thank you.
People & Job Listing
SEAriously Awesome People List – Unfortunately, given the changing economic climate, many startups are shutting down or having to lay-off awesome people. Our goal is to surface awesome talent, help folks find new jobs, and help growing startups find top talent ASAP.
#connect #jobboard #southeastasia #Indonesia
Amazing Design People List – Find amazing designers for hire. Discover 1800+ amazing designers worldwide on this community-led talent base during COVID19.
#connect #jobboard #southeastasia #Indonesia
Funding & Finance
Raising during Covid – list of resources for your Startup’s funding
#funding #startup #international
Free Financial Consulting (via Zoom) https://www.linkedin.com/posts/budiraharjocfp_covid19-activity-6656907806161113088-9o5h #finance #planning #Indonesia
Free online learning opportunities, including certification (otherwise costs ~15-50 USD), in response to the pandemic and isolation measures, find it here: https://lnkd.in/gkziCHc
Free online courses from Harvard University- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/talalalmurad_freecourses-covid19-stayathome-activity-6655517782710554625-Ug8t #upskilling #study
Free online courses from Open University https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue #upskilling #study
Learn German free – https://www.linkedin.com/posts/waitatiri_stayhome-dirumahaja-freecourses-activity-6655473572607287296-MJf5 #upskilling #study #Indonesia
Ivy League universities offer 450 free online courses: https://www.studyinternational.com/news/free-online-courses-ivy-league/
Scholarship for S1 students in Mitra Pertamina Foundation University partners (UGM, UI, ITB, USU, UNDIP, UNAIR, etc.)- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kinanthi-anindita-b7869b115_beasiswa-pertamina-sobat-bumi-pertamina-activity-6657452884193574912-yzoB #support #study #Indonesia